Story of a happily married Missouri girl. Raising 2 girls. Loving Jesus. And getting fit!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Election Day!
Paili loves to be the horse, and of course Sky loves to ride.
Look at that pony tail!
Pai and her Crappa!
Best Flip to Date!
My precious babies.
Run Sky Run!
Tuesday was election day in Missouri! I got up a little early so I could go and vote for my dear Denise. I was so excited all day thinking about her and how nerve wracking the whole process is. The WHOLE office was a big buzz. I've cared about elections before but not like this. My girls are loving playing horsie together right now. I can't tell you how much I love seeing them play together. They are absolutely in love with one another. It's beautiful I tell you!
Fitness: While I was on my run I kept texting Brooke to see if she knew anything yet. The results she was seeing had another candidate ahead by 30 votes. (Do you have any idea how hard it is to run and text?) I ran over 3 miles. I got home just in time to scour the results pages and watch the news to see if anything was being said about the race and nothing final! Finally...the results came in and...VICTORY!! I was so excited! Yay!! Way to go, DeeDee!! You are the best candidate for the job. I'm so proud of you!
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