Just chillin. How cute are they? |
Jack, the baby whisperer. |
Twins I tell ya! |
I can't say I blame her. I'd do the same thing in that tub. |
Carly taking a dip. |
Checking on his non stinging caterpillars. |
Sky loved that couch. Paili loves her. |
Monday morning was a little hectic at my Grandparents with all the hustle and bustle of a new day going on and my Uncle letting the world know how he was feeling about the whole situation. Love you Uncle Phillip! My Aunt Jill took me and my girls over to her house to play. I got to see my cousin, Joe for the first time since being there. What a great kid he is. When i say kid i really mean mid 20's. While we were hanging out my Aunt Jill got the call that my cousin Ryan had gone by the hospital on his way to work to check on Grandpa and that the Dr's wanted to have a meeting with the family asap. When Ryan had asked the nurse that was with my Grandpa what was actually going on, she said that our family had gotten very wrong information from the Dr that had been on duty over the weekend. The Dr that had been there was only looking at his lungs, not his entire body. She showed Ryan how his skin was breaking down and some other things that were going in his body. She said, it truly was just a matter of time and she was so very sorry for the way that weekend Dr had belittled my family and sorry that he gave us false hope. Aunt Jill left in a hurry to go pick up the other siblings and go to the hospital for the meeting. We got a call a little while later that we needed to head up to the hospital to say our goodbye's. Jack stayed with all of the kids while Carly and I left for the hospital. (Thank you again Jack!) He's an EMT and loves kids so I was completely confidant in his ability to keep them alive. When we got to the hospital my Mom, Dad, Aunt Ellen, Uncle Phillip, Aunt Jill, Uncle Gene, Aunt Joy, Uncle George, Holley, Whittney, Zach, and Joe were already there. They were trying to arrange transportation for my Grandma because she had recently been admitted into a facility for Alzheimer care. Carly and I walked into the room hand in hand. I am so thankful for such a loving family. There was a lot of love in that room. My precious family kept walking around Grandpa, touching his arm, talking to him, whispering into his ear, and brushing his hair back. We stood back and studied him. We hugged one another and tried to think of comforting things to say. There was a whole lot of craziness regarding my Grandma's arrival as to when she would arrive, which door she would be taken to, etc. She finally arrived and stepped into the room filled with family. She asked for a moment alone with her husband of nearly 60 years. It was very emotional to see a little bit of that scene. Carly and I left to go to Wal Mart to get groceries to feed the masses. We tried hard to forget what was happening at the hospital. We masked our sadness with making each other laugh. I finally got the text from my Mom that at 6 something Grandpa had passed. Jack, bless his heart, called Carly because Aunt Jill called him first to let her know. I was glad to be there, in that moment, in the frozen section at Wal-Mart to get the news with Carly. We stopped and grabbed some pizzas to feed our hungry crew. When we got back to the house we didn't talk to the kids about what had just taken place it seemed easier right then to not try and explain it. We failed to inform the next arriving crew and poor Aunt Ellen made the call to my cousins Ashley and Devon to let them know while we were sitting around the table. Sweet, sensitive Oliver burst into tears and ran to gain comfort from his Momma. Aunt Ellen felt terrible for letting the cat out of the bag but really it wasn't the end of the world. Skylar started freaking out all of a sudden after dinner and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what in the world her problem was. Paili was going to the bathroom and I thought that Sky was just angry to be locked out of the room. She kept trying to take her pants off and would get so mad when I'd pull them back up. Pai came out of the bathroom finally and Sky ran in there and exclaimed, "BA!!!". Duh, obviously my brain wasn't fully functioning or I would have figured that out much sooner. Oliver and Sky enjoyed a nice, long bath. Oliver is quite a gentleman by the way and pee's in a cup so as not to dirty the water. I'm certain that Skylar is not such a charming little lady and pee'd frequently in their bath. The joke was on me the first time it happened and I didn't see him pee in the cup. I thought Carly was being silly and I nearly drank it. She thought I knew and didn't try to stop me at all. Oh the silliness that happens when we are together. I had forgotten just how much I enjoy her.
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