My girl at lunch. |
I had last Tuesday the 8th off because it was Harry S Trumans birthday (doesn't everybody?) and I took full advantage of my day off with my sweet girls. Paili had school but Sky and I went and had lunch with her at school. She was so surprised and so very excited that we were there. I hadn't really planned on her lunch time being quiet time but it was still nice to sit next to her and watch her little face just so happy and proud to have us with her. She told everyone that walked by who we were.
Paili even shared some SunChips with her sister. |
Sky and I went back home for a little bit, she watched some Fresh Beat Band (We ALL love that show-even Justin-just don't tell him I let his secret out!) She snuggled with Sookie on the couch while I was doing the dishes. Then my sweet girl came in there grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front door-she wanted to go play outside. That was the first time that she had done that, who am I to deny that girl her wishes? HA! So, we went outside.
Sky and her little buddy Drake. |
Sky using Sookie as a pillow. She loves that dog.
We really have awesome neighbors. I absolutely love the little family that moved across the street last December. Drake was still in his Mommas belly. We met them when they were bringing cookies to their new neighbors and knocked on the door. We had been home with a brand new Skylar a couple of days and we invited them in-Heather held Skylar and chatted with me about her excitement of having her first baby. She was due in April. Greg and Justin hit it off quickly as they both are outdoors men. She's called me for advice, to see if I have any banana to finish off her banana bread, to check on our family when she sees my car is still there during the week. It is so nice having people so close to us that care about our family. So I texted Heather and let her know we were out playing and she and Drake came out to play with us for a little bit.
Sky was getting pretty sleepy so I went and layed her down for a bit before it was time to go get sister.
I finished the dishes and then it was time to go! We went and got Pai and came back home. We decided to walk to the park. It was Sky's first time to actually get to play on the equipment. To say she loved it is a HUGE understatement.
My girls--Sky was not impressed she was being made to wait. |
Makes my heart swell with pride to see them love one another. |
She really is an incredible big sister. |
Rotten baby in action. |
The noise she is making at the end of the last video is her excited-let's do it again noise. I love these girls.
We finally left the park after quite a while and Sky was so not happy with me. Good thing we live close and enjoy going!
As we were walking home we walked by a field and Pai was absolutely enamored with these...
They were massive!! I love anytime I get to spend with my girls but days like these make me wish desperately that this is my full time job.
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