I'm sure anyone that really knows me would be very surprised by that title. But, its true. I love it. I've been wanting a jogging stroller and I found one at a local consignment store for $15.00! Yep, fifteen dollars. You read that correctly. I was so excited! Its handbrake was broken but I was not concerned at all about that. Its tires were also flat but I knew that would be an easy fix. I texted my Dad and asked if he would do that for me and of course he said he'd be happy to. Not only did he fix my tires, he fixed my brake, greased all the bearings and put a new rod thingy on it! (Sorry, Dad, I can't remember what it was called!) My husband would have been happy to do that for me but he's been working late all this week and my Dad lives to do things for me. Well, not really, but he does love me like crazy! :) I'm so thankful for him. He's the best Daddy any girl could ever ask for. And if I thought he was the best Dad-his skills as Crappa are out of this world. I always know I can count on my Dad. He can do anything. He knows everything. He's a man of God. I love the talks we have. I love his sound advice. I love just being with my Dad. When I found Justin, I knew I had to keep him-he's very much like my Dad. That's the highest compliment I could give a man. Thanks for showing me what I was looking for in a husband Dad. From the time I was very little my parents would play the whole, whose girl are you game. My parents love to tell me that I would always say that I'm both of yous girl. That holds true today. I'm both of thems girl. I am extremely close to both of them. I've talked a lot about my parents on here. I think its because the older I get the more I see how lucky I am. So lucky in fact that my Mom bought me these yesterday...
Aren't they pretty? |
Brooks Pure Flow running shoes. I'm in love. |
My very first pair of Brooks running shoes!! They are so incredibly comfortable. My feet needed these badly. I ran last night--my feet felt amazing the entire time. Today, my feet don't hurt at all. My knees don't hurt. They are perfect. Thank you Mom for your thoughtfulness. They are the best gift! Shayla and I started the C25K program over last night. Well, I started it over and she started it. She did fantastic! I love having a workout buddy!
Gabby, the Great Dane, cracks me up! I love that dog. And proof my stroller rolls well!
In other news, Sky started saying bubble, more, shoes and oh no this week! Today is Paili's last day of school for the year. So at the end of her day-I'll have a 1st grader! Woah! Her best buddy at school, Andrew asked her to go to Chuck E Cheeses with him on Wednesday and-I let her! She had a blast. This is her and Andrew before they left. His Mom picked her up and Justin picked her up from Chuck E Cheese's.
He's a very sweet kid and he's not a ton shorter than she is like everyone else is in their class.
This is what Sky did while my Dad was fixing up my jogging stroller.
Yes that's a planting bucket. She's such a silly girl.
It's been a great week! This weekend Justin and I celebrate 11 years of wedded bliss! Or as he would say...11 long, long, long, long years. Joking--I hope! Ha! :) I'm so excited to have some quality one on one time. I love him!
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