Tuesday was a good day. Nothing really exciting. I didn't take one picture all day, you know if that happens-it was non eventful. I guess that's really not true. I did help my Dad chase the guineas back to their yard from their neighbors yard. Good times. Memories were made, right Dad?
Fitness: Shayla and I walked 3.41 miles.
New plants! |
Like a proud new father! |
Wednesday, Brooke, Yvette and I walked to the square in Carthage where they have the Farmers Market. I bought a yummy cucumber and saw a sale going on at the Hardware store on the square. They had all of their plants on sale for .50. I was so excited! I bought eggplant, pumpkin, cauliflower, and okra. I also bought a sweet banana pepper plant for my Mom and a chile pepper plant for my Dad. I was pretty excited to give them to them. They seemed pretty happy about the plants!
Fitness: Week 5 day 2 of the Couch 2 5K program. That means this...we had to do a 5 minute warm up of walking. 8 minutes of running. 5 minutes of walking. 8 minutes of running. 5 minute cool down. We did 2.86 miles total. I got a text from Amy, my sweet neighbor across the street asking if we were walking. I told her that we were going but it was a run/walk night hadn't but yes we were going. She asked if I thought she could do it without passing out. I told her if nothing else she could start working up to what we were doing for sure. She went with us and DID IT!! The whole thing. I told her that I meant this in the most loving way possible but that she sucks! Here, poor Shayla and I have been working our butts off to get to this point and she just goes out and does it. I was so proud of all of us. Writing it out 8 minutes doesn't seem like such a big deal to run but holy cow. It's a long time to run. I love these girls. Running is so much more fun with friends. I texted Amy Thursday teasing her about running it without even breaking a sweat (that's not true-we were all disgusting) and she said she was too huffing and puffing. She said she was unsure if she could even do the 2nd 8 minute run but having us there to push helped too. That really is what it's all about for me. It would have been so easy to stop running. And not because my legs were tired or I couldn't breathe. None of that was an issue. It's ALL a mind game at this point. My body is not having issues. It's all in my head. What a crazy thing to be able to say.
Jakob watering the pepper plants.
Silly little monkey. |
Sky and I having a little conversation after her bath.
Jack was trying to get the guineas to chase him by running by them. It worked but you can't see how great it was. He cracks me up.
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