Paili, Colby, Madison, Skylar
Yes, Skylar is wearing a gun holster. |
Auntie Erin and Sky-just swinging! |
The kids playing in the pool. |
Colby and Paili being kids. |
Aaron and Justin building their potato guns! |
Finished! |
Aarons first shot of the night.
In this one Aaron burns his hair off his face. He wasn't hurt but it was so funny.
Justin's shot! They were shooting shirts here.
Aaron shooting a potato.
Justin shooting a potato.
Saturday we had a pretty chill afternoon hanging around the house.
The boys had seen something on TV Friday night that showed potato guns so they were so excited to make them Saturday. We left earlier than normal for their house so they had plenty of light and time. The kids played in the backyard in the pool, on the swing set, and in the sandbox. They had a great time. The boys cracked us up acting like little kids making the guns. Aaron had some issues with the ignitor and nearly melted his face off. We (maybe just me) laughed hysterically when he grabbed the ignitor and shocked himself. Justin had no problems with his but for "fuel" they used hairspray and aerosol deodorant. They found that the hairspray worked much better. They shot shirts out of the guns until the glue was totally set and then they used potatoes. It was much louder than the shirts so they only shot the potatoes a few times because it was late and didn't want the police called on them. We *may* have seen a police cruiser as we hurried back inside. Ha! I had purchased some fresh green beans and potatoes at the farmers market on Wednesday. Justin and I (with some very helpful girls) snapped the green beans earlier in the day and put them in the crockpot all day to cook. The boys also grilled some pork chops (and forgot to move the grill out from under the awning- so it melted a bit of the roof-Woops!!) It was delicious!! What a fun evening!
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