I love watching them together. |
My awesome parents. I'm so thankful for them. Each and every day. |
Tuesday was a run night. We did Week 6 Day 1 of C25K. Psssh...we ran 20 minutes straight on Sunday. It was a fairly easy run. Longest stint of the run was 10 minutes. Easy Peasy!
Pai and her new flower pressing kit! |
I really do have awesome coworkers. Brooke gave me this book (see picture above) to give to Paili that she found in some of Laneys (Brooke's daughter) old stuff. It's a flower pressing kit. Paili loves to be outside and loves collecting things so this is one of the most perfect little gifts ever. She was so excited and couldn't wait to get started with it. Thank you Brookie and Laney!! We love you guys!
Kayla doing the splits! |
My Mom picked up my niece and my youngest nephews from Linde on Wednesday for the day and overnight. Mom called me and asked if she could keep Paili too. I, of course, said yes, I knew Paili would be so excited to spend the night with Kayga. I asked Kayla if she'd like to come and do yoga with us that evening. She said YES! I was thrilled. I love spending time with her. She is very flexible and yoga comes natural to her. I wish she could come all the time. I also learned that she has Aushtin Shlickers syndrome. I have no idea what that is or how it's spelled but I was cracking up at her saying it. (It's nothing serious-something about her cartilage not growing as fast as her bones.)
She's a natural yoga-er! |
I also talked to Kellie (neighbor) about coming to Yoga with us! She's going to start next week! So exciting! She seems like such a nice girl! I can't wait to get to know her better! If you remember Damon from a previous post-she's Damon's fiancee. Heather was going to join us but couldn't get Drake to go to sleep and Greg's out of town so she had to bow out. Bummer!
I am so excited about the lady's in my neighborhood working out with me! We may have to see about the city hall if class keeps growing and it gets cold out!
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