Saturday had finally arrived!! The day we've been waiting for for--EVER! (It seemed like that anyways!) I was just as excited as Paili was, if not a little more excited. She got up around 6 asking if it was time to get going. We had to be at church at 8. We took Sky to my Mom and Dads for the day to play with my nephews. (Justin was at a garage sell trying to sell some stuff.) We were at the church at 7:50. Be proud! I know I was! We had a little pow wow before we left and we all prayed together. At one point Jim (the children's minister) asked who had been there before and I jumped up. I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking to the adults but I was so excited, I couldn't help myself. We loaded up on the bus and off we went. I grew up at College Heights Christian Church and Jay St Clair was always with us. His grandparents lived close to the camp and so we ALWAYS had to go by and look at his grandparents house. I'm not gonna lie, it seemed very strange not to go by it. I loved growing up at CHCC. It is an amazing church that I will always feel like is home. When we bought our home in Alba, it just made sense to change to Christs Church of Oronogo. It's less that 5 minutes from our home. And if you know us, the closer the better! Paili is in school with quite a few of the same kids in her class at church. I love that these kids will grow up and have that connection. They will have the accountability with one another that they will desperately need as they face more challenges the older they get. I was sitting across from a lady I had never met, her name was Aaren. I enjoyed getting to know her throughout the day.
My girl on the bus!
Paili, Tucker, Cole, Hunter and Abram.
Enjoying their snacks when we first got to camp. The two buildings you are seeing are both new. The one behind Paili is the canteen which used to be behind the multi purpose building. The other building is the nurses station. It used to be located in the multi purpose building as well. |
The canteen. |
The big picture! I don't know how many pictures I have growing up with that big cross in the back ground. It's the bell for the camp. Can you find me and Paili?
The dorm closest to me was "the girls dorm" when I was here now it's Mark dorm. The other dorm you see here is new. There were new buildings everywhere!! |
Kenan Klein and Amanda Piercy leading worship.
Then we went to the Isaiah shelter and memorized two scriptures.
I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. John 10:14
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 |
Making the sheep craft! Aimee is between Bethany and Paili. |
Another CCO table doing crafts. Abram is in the gray. His Momma, Katy, is across from him in the stripes.
Then we went outside to play a little bit.
Paili playing on one of the new play sets.
Tucker (red/white/black shorts), Paili, Aaron (orange shirt)
We went back into the multi purpose building and the kids put together meals for missionaries to eat with those who don't know Jesus. So neat. |
Paili helping make food packets for Kids Against Hunger. I loved this activity.
I really enjoyed talking to Russell Ball while the kids were doing this. He's such a nice guy.
Then we had lunch. Hamburgers, smile fries, lemon aid or kool-aid and a chocolate chip cookie! Yummy!
Then we went back outside for a few minutes so that they could reset the multi purpose room for the main session.
She's climbing up the rock wall in this picture.
The main session speaker was Matt Proctor. Matt was my favorite teacher at Ozark Christian College and is currently the President at Ozark. He did an excellent job speaking, of course. He spoke about sheep, are you seeing a pattern?
After the session we went and changed to our swimming suits and then our group was headed to go feed the sheep. The kids all LOVED this.
Tucker feeding a sheep.
Bethany loving the sheep!
Then we went back to the multi purpose building where the kids played a fun game of find the sheep. Like hide and seek with a sheep.
Then it was our groups turn to swim. The kids were ecstatic. I sat with Katy on the side and we dangled our feet in while burning our bums. I didn't get in because there was only 30 minutes allotted and I wasn't sure I could be trusted to get out in only 30 minutes. And I'm only half kidding.
Paili sitting in the bunks she can't wait to sleep in next summer! Me either!!
Paili and I before getting back on the bus to head home. I wasn't ready for it to be done. Neither was she.
Worn plumb out on the way home.
Tucker wasn't.
These girls were out!
Poor Lauren was out.
Silly Bethany kept waking up just as Aimee would take her picture.
I felt so weepy walking around the campground with Paili. I can't tell you how much camp always meant to me. ALL the memories there are so precious to me. I love that my girl gets to go to my camp. What a special day for us. Thank you Mom and Dad for instilling in me the importance of camp(really more than camp it was our relationship with Jesus) and making sure that your grand kids have those same memories and opportunities. You guys are the greatest. On the way home I got to chat more with Aimee, Jim, and another lady named Julie, I had never met previously.
Sky was happy to have us back home.
Jakob mowed for the 1st time. Good job Jakey!
We sat outside for a little bit watching him.
Gabby doesn't get too far from Paili when she's outside.
Crappa showing the kids something while they work. He did this when we were kids too.
Just a video of Jakob mowing.