The Black Knight (Andrew) and Princess (Paili) |
Todays theme at Kids Klub Live was medieval times with princesses, knights, princes, jesters, etc. In the picture above Paili is wearing the tiara I received when I was nominated as Homecoming Queen in 1999. It's pretty old now!
These guys have been so funny this week. Skip Holden, Isaac Shade, and Peter Buckland. |
The opening and closing time have been so much fun. These guys have been absolutely hilarious. I think I've laughed just as much as the kids have. Peter is one of Justin's favorite professors at Ozark Christian College. Yesterday Peter was the sheriff in a western town and Skip was telling him about Jesus and as the lights were dimming you know how they have to act like they're talking I heard Skip whispering to Peter as he was holding the Bible that he really should know what that was because he's a professor at OCC. I was cracking up. I love these guys using their abilities and strengths to show the kids Jesus.
Madison, Paili, Bethany, Addy, Lauren (looking at me) Mrs Garrison (with the necklace)
Mrs. Garrison was Paili's Preschool teacher. She's wonderful. |
Abby (in the green) Jenna, AnnaBeth,Aimee (teacher) Aiden and Zoe. |
Pretty Princesses enjoying a fruit cup. |
Sweet girls. After I took the picture Addy told me she used her princess smile. So funny. |
I've really enjoyed getting to know Aimee better this week. |
Funny side note: Aimee's little sister, Ruthie, lived in my parents basement in college for awhile. Ruthie and I've had tons of good times together. I miss her!
AnnaBeth, Jenna, Andrew, Paili, Madison, Colby |
One more night of KKL. It's always a bittersweet time. I've enjoyed the girls in my class so very much. They're such sweet, funny girls. Tomorrow night is Pirates night...Aarrrrrr Matey! Good thing my Mom is working on the outfit. Otherwise, she'd just have an eye patch. Who knows what she'll have.
Sky is always so happy to go into her class to play and is always happy to see us come and get her. |
Tonight's workout was cut kind of short after we got stopped by my neighbors across the street, the Patricks. They had had some stuff stolen the night before...2 pairs of Oakley's out of their cars. They also were telling me some of the other things that have gone missing out of their home like snack cakes, socks, a nice jersey, and video games! Crazy! They know who did it and are trying to figure out how to fix the problem. I really enjoyed talking with them. They are a sweet family that places God first in their family. It's so nice having great neighbors. We always lock our front door but never our cars. Well...There was one time that I left the front door wide open but it was during the school year so none of the kids were home. In my defense I was trying to get myself, my newborn, my 5 year old and all of our stuff out the door(in one trip) and forgot! Good times. Shayla and I ended up walking to her house then doing all kinds of fun or not so fun exercises in her driveway on the concrete.(Sorry to her neighbors!) I'm feeling it today. But, that's a great thing. We listened to Pandora's Summer Hits of the 90's station. If you haven't listened to it, oh man! It brought me back to night swims in my parents pool with all of my buddies laughing and singing along at the top of our lungs. AND! I got to talk to my good buddy Tia on the way home tonight. I miss her. She moved to Texas last year and left me! We are quite the duo. I love you, Tia!
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