Spending time with God by the water, don't mind if I do! |
Happy girl. |
Paili took a picture of my hands. |
And my foot. |
And the clouds. |
Paili told me to act like I was asleep. |
Sky didn't want to be a part of our picture taking silliness. |
She is so gorgeous. |
Messy hair with tons of curls. Yep, she's mine. |
My little love. |
Mmmm...spaghetti for dinner. |
Tuesday was an incredible day. I got up early and walked 2.2 miles, because I had missed the night befores walk. I loved starting my day walking around Alba seeing all the older people out watering their flowers in their nightgowns. Cheerfully waving hello and telling me what a nice day it's going to be. I got home and woke my sweet family up. Paili saw I was sweaty and in my running shoes and was quite unhappy that I hadn't woke her up to go with me. We'll have to do that soon. I love that she loves to exercise with me. I spent my lunch hour by the river, reading Gods' Word. I am loving that time. I don't feel rushed. I've recently been convicted that I spend so much of my time WASTING it with Facebook or Pinterest or watching TV. I should show God the same devotion that I show to Facebook. He deserves so much more from me. So, I'm working on that. Goodness, I'm working on so many things in my life that are lacking. When I got out of work I went to get my girls-I wasn't surprised to find everybody outside playing on the trampoline, on the slip and slide, or making a beach. Jack told Paili that, "You have the bounciest butt!" (Because she bounces higher than he does. Then he said while talking about a fellow that he knows, "He's like Mexican, or maybe Hispanic." Paili enjoys taking pictures, so I posted some of the jewels she took. I layed on the trampoline and enjoyed the time until we had to go home. I made spaghetti for dinner. Both of my girls love spaghetti. Yes, I made it. You read that right. I'm capable. The night before, I even heated up a can of corn. I've got skills you don't even know about. I kid. But seriously. After I put my girls to bed I grabbed Amy (my neighbor from across the street-I've blogged about her before) and we walked down to Shayla's-stretched and then went for our walk. I did 100 crunches and more stretches after the walk. My total for the evening was 3.71 because I had to walk back down to Shay's a 2nd time because I had to grab a paper from my truck she had asked me to get from the courthouse Tuesday.
Jakob loves to play with this girl. She's so fun.
You try to get a water loving girl out of the water. She's strong willed.
Paili said Jakob was, "Like a donkey on a bobsled!!"
Here's Paili telling about the day. Then about what Jack can do. Then Sky texts her friends. :)
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