My Yvette got a new hair cut! Isn't she cute? :) |
Turtle swimming in the river. |
I love water. I do. Water=Happy Elise |
Thursday for me was pretty great. Yvette and I grabbed our lunch and headed to the river to eat. I'm very thankful that Yvette is happy to indulge me and my need for water. Yvette had a new life event happen today. She got to see a hay baler-bale hay! It was very exciting watching the hay baler poop the new hay bales out. I've seen it lots of times but for my little city girl, it was a first! Yvette has had lots of fun firsts with me. I'll tell you about those another time.
My little pirates! |
My Mom did all of Paili's outfit. She did awesome. Thanks Mom! |
My Mom. She's the best. She's so beautiful. |
My Dad has been on the South Beach diet for 3 weeks and has lost 25 lbs. Men! |
In his skinny jeans! So proud of you Dad! |
The missionary at Kids Klub Live this week. Phil Maddux. |
Left to right...AnnaBeth,Jenna, Lauren, Paili, Bethany |
Skippy Holden, Peter Buckland and Isaac Shade |
The kids favorite part of the night...Ditters Decides. He's riding a camel. Sam is in the do rag. |
My goody bag from the Neighbors. |
I ended the work day and went to get some things from my house to finish up Pai's pirate outfit. All week Paili had been telling me that Grandma had her outfit under control. So when I got a text from my Mom on Thursday morning asking me what I had planned, I couldn't have been more surprised. I told her Pai told me that she was doing it. So thankfully, my Momma came through again! She came up with an adorable outfit. I picked Andrew up and he looked great too! Before I left for Kids Klub with the kids my Dad had to show off himself in his skinny jeans. He looks great and I'm so proud of him but really...25 lbs down in 3 weeks is just ridiculous. Why can't I be a guy? :) Kidding. Kind of. The best part of that was my Dad swinging his hips and singing that he's sexy and he knows it. I love my Dad.
I have really enjoyed Kids Klub Live this week. I love worship time hearing all the kids beautiful little voices singing to Jesus. It makes my heart just want to bust. This weeks lesson time has been so much fun. We've all enjoyed Sam, the main worship leader. Skippy, Isaac and Peter the main actors. I think I notice the kids responding the most during a little segment at the very end of the night called Ditters Decides. All the kids seemed disappointed that this was the last night of Kids Klub. I was too.
I dropped sweet Andrew off at home and chatted with his Mom, Victoria for a bit. She said Andrew had asked her if we could start taking him to church with us and she said that was fine with her. His teacher this week had stopped me and said that he was the only kid in her class that could answer questions about what had happened in the story time and correlate it to the lesson time. She was so impressed with him and she said he had told her that they don't go to church and she was just flabbergasted and asked for his address so she could write him and tell him how much she enjoyed having him in class. How sweet is that!? Before we left Victoria had Andrew bring out a present she had gotten me for taking him back and forth to Kids Klub this week. She works at Yankee Candles. I love Yankee Candles! What a thoughtful thing for her to do!
Fitness for the day: NONE!! I'll make up for it this weekend though. Shayla had a stomach issue going on.
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