Wednesday, May 16, 2012

At the Rock Quarry

Me and Sky at the rock quarry waiting for Grandma.
My Mom sells big equipment...I'm talking BIG! And sometimes she'll have to go somewhere to help watch them load the equipment for shipment. She watches my girls for me so sometimes I need to go pick them up from her wherever she is and today it just happened to be a shipping day at the rock quarry. I learned that its a REALLY long stressful process. The trucks have to be on there just right or terrible things can happen so sometimes it takes forever to get it loaded just perfect. But, I did get the opportunity to snap some neat pictures.
That's my Mom standing in between the 2 trucks.

They were loading the truck to her left on this...

The man in the lighter colored shirt is my Dad. "Helping"
I had to leave before they finished it but they ended up having to take 2 other pieces of big equipment and picking this truck up and moving it over so it was more centered. Talk about a big ordeal! I wish I could have stayed and captured that but I had to get my girls home, fed and bathed from playing in the gravel.
Sky just wanted back down in the gravel. Random dog.
Sky just loves playing in the gravel.

Paili loves sitting on the MASSIVE tires.

There's never a dull moment around my family! I love it!


  1. Awww Mae ... you are such a delight ...and an awesome blogger!!

  2. Oh my anonymous Mother! You are a delight. And thanks, I'm really liking this!
