Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Blackberry pie!

Her "CHEESE" face. (She was eating blackberries)

Wearing one of the boys shoes.

Mmmm...blackberry pie!
Yes, it really was that good.

Thursday after work I went to Josh Honey's vegetable stand to get some more tomatoes for the sauce that Justin is going to make on Saturday. I had a great time chatting with Josh for awhile. I've known him forever and I don't get to see him much anymore. Our Moms are best friends therefore growing up, we spent some good quality time together.  I didn't get to my Mom and Dads until later than normal and my Mom had already fed Sky and asked if Pai and I would like to eat too. I looked at the pie and of course the answer was YES! The whole dinner was fantastic. Spaghetti squash with balsamic vinegar chicken on top. YUM! I was so glad I was there for dinner. Blackberry pie for dinner. Delicious!

Fitness: I rode my bike, walked, and ran. Total-well over 6 miles. (I really need to get back to map my run/bike.)

My friend Ron Skaggs has a brother in law that is serving the Lord in Sri Lanka. He sent me the newsletter that he write for them. I was chilled to the bone reading parts of this. A very good reminder that Satan is very real. For some reason, the pictures didn't post. Sorry!

Lamp Lighter’s World Ministries
August, 2012
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
LOTS of things have happened this month, but before we get to them we want to
say, Thank You!Every month when I type the newsletter (and many times in between) I’m
reminded of how good God is to us. We are grateful for your prayers that go to Him on our
behalf, and that He supplies what we need through you, our supporters. Truly we could not do
what we do without your faithfulness in these areas!So once again thank you for your prayers
and your gifts. Now—on with the news!
We feel God has truly blessed us with this property in several ways. The price was very
reasonable compared to what we had been looking at. It has a house on it which can be used
at the present time for preacher’s quarters and church meetings, although eventually it will
need to be replaced. The property is centrally located in the village and on the main road so it
is very visible. I will try to have a couple of pictures next month in the newsletter.
This was a much needed project as the fence was practically gone, and the job should be
completed this week. The biggest need here is to protect your property from encroachment,
which happens on a regular basis. The new fence looks much nicer, and it protects the children
and provides privacy and noise abatement from the traffic on the road.
We always close our newsletters with prayer requests and praises. Still most of you
really don’t realize how deeply entrenched Satan is in this country and how much we need your
Shanthi’s brother Vijith has struggled for several years with spiritual and mental
problems. We have held countless prayers on his behalf and he has
e begins the part some won’t believe. Shanthi’s nephew, Sutha, often has visions during
these prayers concerning “charms” that have been buried on a person’s property. During our
prayers he had one of these visions and said that there was a charm in Vijith’s toilet pit. No one
would try to remove a charm placed in a toilet pit so it would most likely be there a very long
time. We brought a “septic” man to clean it out (no machines here to do this). After we
removed the lid Sutha said, “Check that spot right there”, and when the man cleaning the pit
stuck a pole at that exact spot a small bottle immediately came to the surface. We removed
the bottle and inside there was a stick broken into three pieces along with ash from a human
cremation. When the “voodoo” man makes the charm he will repeat the name of the person it
is supposed to affect and then he breaks the stick and seals it in a bottle. After this charm was
removed there has been a dramatic change in Vijith, and everyone sees the difference in him!
The following week Suth
The second charm was buried under our clothesline. When we dug it up there was a
dried and broken egg shell (often whole eggs are buried as part of the charm), and something
wrapped in black plastic. When opened it was a small bottle sealed with wax, and wired to the
bottle was a small stone. Inside was another burned banana leaf wrapped around a small
copper sheet with engravings on it. This one had a woman’s face, a man’s face, a cobra, and a
star on it. Sutha said this is to bring division and death. It was to represent Shanthi and me.
The third charm was dug up right next to our sidewalk and was about two feet deep.
This was bone fragments from another human cremation, and was meant to bring death to us.
All of these were exactly where Sutha had been “shown” in the visions.
The reason we have not been affected (or in the case of the van only in a limited way) is
that we pray daily for protection from these types of things. We claim Isaiah 54:17, “no
weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This
is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me”, declares the
Lord. We do not pray out of fear but in faith knowing God will defend and deliver us from
Satan’s power!I am NOT turning “charismatic”, but God uses people in different ways. And
don’t ask me to explain what has happened here--I can’t, but I do know that Satan is more
powerful than we often give him credit. But the Lord Jesus Christ is all powerful and he has
protected us!
Cremated Human Remains
1. Praise for our protection and Vijith’s deliverance.
2. More people to have their eyes and hearts opened to the Gospel.
3. VBS in all our churches and two new locations this August.
4. Praise for the purchase of the Periya Kallar property.
5. Praise for completed construction projects.

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